If you have any questions / queries,
please contact BEAM Society Limited by phone at 3610 5700 or
by email at [email protected].

Available Trainings
SO Member refers to Member of Supporting Organisations and CO Member refers to Member of Co-organisers
Training Type
Training Code
(sort by letters: Z - A
) or by language

Flyer Training
Training Date (live)
(sort by date: latest )
CPD Recognition for BEAM Pro
(sort by number: highest )
Fee (HK$)
BSL Member - BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate
(For CPD course)
(sort by price: highest )
BSL Member - NON BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate
(For CPD course)
(sort by price: highest )
BEAM Pro / BEAM Affiliate – NON BSL Member
(For CPD course)
(sort by price: highest )
(sort by price: highest )
SO Member
(sort by price: highest )
CO Member
(sort by price: highest )
ONLINE REEB-2025-0415
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) Examination Retake (REEB-2025-0510)
The validity period of retaking the examination is limited to one year from the first Examination date of the candidate; Candidates who fail to pass the examination within the one-year period is required to retake the Existing Buildings (EB) Training and to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.
2025-04-15 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE REA-250409E
(Language: English)

BEAM Affiliate Examination Retake - (with Training in English)
The validity period of retaking the examination is limited to one year from the first Examination date of the candidate; Candidates who fail to pass the examination within the one-year period is required to retake the BEAM Affiliate Training and to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.
2025-04-09 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE BA-2025-0220ES
(Language: English)

2nd New BEAM Affiliate Training and Examination - English (for members of Supporting Organisations ONLY)
The training includes the general concepts of BEAM Plus New Buildings, BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, BEAM Plus Interiors, BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, BEAM Plus New Data Centres, BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres and Existing Schools rating tools. The training is developed by a group of experts and professionals that supports the initiatives of green building and sustainable environment in Hong Kong.
2025-02-20 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE BA-2025-0220E
(Language: English)

2nd New BEAM Affiliate Training and Examination - English
The training includes the general concepts of BEAM Plus New Buildings, BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, BEAM Plus Interiors, BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, BEAM Plus New Data Centres, BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres and Existing Schools rating tools. The training is developed by a group of experts and professionals that supports the initiatives of green building and sustainable environment in Hong Kong.
2025-02-20 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE REA-250409C
(Language: Cantonese)

BEAM Affiliate Examination Retake - (with Training in Cantonese)
The validity period of retaking the examination is limited to one year from the first Examination date of the candidate; Candidates who fail to pass the examination within the one-year period is required to retake the BEAM Affiliate Training and to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.
2025-04-09 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $350.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE BA-2025-0220CS
(Language: Cantonese)

2nd New BEAM Affiliate Training and Examination - Cantonese (for members of Supporting Organisations ONLY)
The training includes the general concepts of BEAM Plus New Buildings, BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, BEAM Plus Interiors, BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, BEAM Plus New Data Centres, BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres and Existing Schools rating tools. The training is developed by a group of experts and professionals that supports the initiatives of green building and sustainable environment in Hong Kong.
2025-02-20 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE BA-2025-0220C
(Language: Cantonese)

2nd New BEAM Affiliate Training and Examination - Cantonese
The training includes the general concepts of BEAM Plus New Buildings, BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, BEAM Plus Interiors, BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, BEAM Plus New Data Centres, BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres and Existing Schools rating tools. The training is developed by a group of experts and professionals that supports the initiatives of green building and sustainable environment in Hong Kong.
2025-02-20 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE REND-2025-0510
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Neighbourhood Version (ND v1.0) Examination Retake (REND-2025-0510)
The validity period of retaking the examination is limited to one year from the first Examination date of the candidate; Candidates who fail to pass the examination within the one-year period is required to retake the BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) Training and to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.
2025-05-10 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE NB-2025-0211S
(Language: English)

11th BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NBv2.0) Course (NB-2025-0211S) (for Members of Supporting Organisation ONLY)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. Framework of BEAM Plus NBv2.0; II. In-depth knowledge i.e. grading, credits and feature of BEAM Plus assessment tool; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill; IV. BEAM Plus project submission skill.
2025-02-11 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,150.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE NB-2025-0211
(Language: English)

11th BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NBv2.0) Course (NB-2025-0211)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. Framework of BEAM Plus NBv2.0; II. In-depth knowledge i.e. grading, credits and feature of BEAM Plus assessment tool; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill; IV. BEAM Plus project submission skill.
2025-02-11 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE RENB-2025-0422
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) v2.0 Examination Retake (RENB-2025-0422)
The validity period of retaking the examination is limited to one year from the first Examination date of the candidate; Candidates who fail to pass the examination within the one-year period are required to retake the BEAM Plus New Buildings Training and to pay for the full payment of Training and Examination fee.
2025-04-22 -- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE BI-2024-0209S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) Version 2.0 Course (for members of Supporting Organisations ONLY)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. Framework of BEAM Plus BI; II. In-depth knowledge i.e. grading, credits and feature of BEAM Plus assessment tool; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill; IV. BEAM Plus project submission skill.
-- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE BI-2024-0209
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) Version 2.0 Course
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. Framework of BEAM Plus BI; II. In-depth knowledge i.e. grading, credits and feature of BEAM Plus assessment tool; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill; IV. BEAM Plus project submission skill.
-- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE ES-2023-0622S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Schools (ES) Course (for members of Supporting Organisations ONLY)
This course provides in-depth knowledSge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus ES; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill;
-- $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE ES-2023-0622
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Schools (ES) Course
This course provides in-depth knowledSge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus ES; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill;
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

-- $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE EDC-2022-1021S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres (EDC) Course (for Members of Supporting Organisation ONLY) (EDC-2022-1021S)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus EDC; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

-- $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE EDC-2022-1021
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres (EDC) Course (EDC-2022-1021)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus EDC; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

-- $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE NDC-2022-1021S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus New Data Centres (NDC) Course (for Members of Supporting Organisation ONLY) (NDC-2022-1021S)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus NDC; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

-- $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE NDC-2022-1021
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus New Data Centres (NDC) Course (NDC-2022-1021)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise I. The framework of BEAM Plus NDC; II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools; III. Innovative and sustainable design skill
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

-- $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE BF-2022-0215
(Language: English)

BEAM Pro Fundamental Course (BF-2022-0215)
I. Introduction to BEAM Plus framework II. Principles and basic knowledge of BEAM Plus rating tools III. Procedure of BEAM Plus project submission
Mr Benny Au
Expert Panel Chair of Water Use, BEAM Society Limited

-- $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE ND-2017-1024S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) Course (for Members of Supporting Organisation ONLY)
BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) helps define performance criteria for the masterplan of a development project through a range of sustainability indicators including socio-economic and environmental aspects. The tool aims to apply sustainability principles at the early or inception stage of a project with emphasis on community engagement, placemaking, sustainable living, ecology and outdoor environmental quality. In addition to the current framework of BEAM Plus, a new aspect, Community Aspects, is added to embrace the community and social elements of a development. The training covers the overall framework and credits of BEAM Plus ND with a structure as follows: • Framework and Innovations (FI) • Community Aspects (CA) • Site Aspects (SA) • Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA) • Energy Aspects (EA) • Water Aspects (WA) • Outdoor Environmental Quality (OEQ)
Senior Consultant of Arup HK

-- $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 $900.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE EB-2017-0904S
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) Course (for Members of Supporting Organisation ONLY)
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to
demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise
I. The framework of BEAM Plus EB;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skill;
Ar Yvonne Ieong
Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson of BSL
Director of Y.I. & Associates Ltd.

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

Ir Colin Chung
Chairperson of Technical Review Committee, BEAM Society Ltd

Mr Benny Au
Expert Panel Chair of Water Use, BEAM Society Limited

Chairperson of BEAM Society Limited

Mr M.K. Leung
Expert Panel Chair of Site Aspects, BEAM Society Limited

-- $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE ND-2017-1024
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) Course
BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (ND) helps define performance criteria for the masterplan of a development project through a range of sustainability indicators including socio-economic and environmental aspects. The tool aims to apply sustainability principles at the early or inception stage of a project with emphasis on community engagement, placemaking, sustainable living, ecology and outdoor environmental quality. In addition to the current framework of BEAM Plus, a new aspect, Community Aspects, is added to embrace the community and social elements of a development. The training covers the overall framework and credits of BEAM Plus ND with a structure as follows:
• Framework and Innovations (FI)
• Community Aspects (CA)
• Site Aspects (SA)
• Materials and Waste Aspects (MWA)
• Energy Aspects (EA)
• Water Aspects (WA)
• Outdoor Environmental Quality (OEQ)
Senior Consultant of Arup HK

-- $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE EB-2017-0904
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) Course
This course provides in-depth knowledge of BEAM Plus assessment tools with practitioners who aim to earn the credential to
demonstrate their proficiency in certain field of expertise
I. The framework of BEAM Plus EB;
II. The grading scheme, credits and features of BEAM Plus assessment tools;
III. Innovative and sustainable design skill;
Ar Yvonne Ieong
Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson of BSL
Director of Y.I. & Associates Ltd.

Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

Ir Colin Chung
Chairperson of Technical Review Committee, BEAM Society Ltd

Mr Benny Au
Expert Panel Chair of Water Use, BEAM Society Limited

Chairperson of BEAM Society Limited

Panel Chair of Site Aspects, BEAM Society Ltd.

-- $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 N/A N/A Register
LIVE M-2025-0320
(Language: English)

Building Management through ESG, Sustainability and Beyond
ESG reporting and relevant sustainability issues are commonly perceived as more closely related to company governance rather than green building management. Instead of building owners and engineers, listed companies are the parties responsible for ESG reporting with accountants setting up ESG-related reporting standards.

Their roles in building management have nevertheless become more recognised. For example, the standards of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings have been including ESG disclosure requirements, net-zero transition roadmaps and climate risk assessment as green building management assessment criteria. Other green building assessment with criteria on climate risk assessment and other relevant ESG practices are also emerging.

In this presentation, through the history of sustainable building development, the integration of green building management with ESG elements would be discussed. The topic also covers how emerging ESG requirements for companies would be able to support the current and future building sustainability development. Certain tools would be used to demonstrate how ESG development can be performed for existing buildings.
Dr Howard CHEUNG
Assistant Director, Building Energy Analytics Company Limited

20 Mar 2025 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-1017-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Green Energy Application and High Efficiency Energy System
Carbon neutrality is a national policy in which every stakeholder has to achieve. According to carbon footprint statistics, 60% of carbon emissions are from power generations and 20% from transportation. Green renewable fuels are solutions to reduce and even eliminate carbon emissions. In addition, power generation at construction site also contributes substantial emissions. There are new ideas and POC systems to achieve low emissions and this session will share some of the new ideas with audience.
Head of Commercial - HK Utility,
Head of Sustainable Green Energy Hub
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Buildings v3.0 (Beta 0) - Pilot Training Session - For Pilot Projects Only
This Pilot Training Course is released to invited persons only. Invited person will receive email from the BSL regarding tutorial of course registration.

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0422-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Life Cycle Assessment, Ecosystem Management & Climate Change Adaptation
The video training introduces how life cycle assessment, ecosystem management & climate change adaption are assessed under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0

NB v2.0
IDCM P3 Timber Used for Temporary Works
MW 5 Sustainable Forest Products
MW 9 Use of Green Products
MW 10 Life Cycle Assessment
SS 7 Biodiversity Enhancement
SS 12 Design for Climate Change Adaption
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0827-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Engineering under BEAM Plus Assessment Tools
The video training introduces how indoor air quality and thermal comfort are assessed under BEAM Plus Assessment Tools:

NB v1.2
IEQ P1 Minimum Ventilation Performance
IEQ 3 Biological Contamination
IEQ 4 Waste Disposal Facilities
IEQ 5 Construction IAQ Management
IEQ 6 Outdoor Sources of Air Pollution IEQ 7 Indoor Sources of Air Pollution
IEQ 8 IAQ in Car Parks
IEQ 9 Increased Ventilation IEQ 10 Background Ventilation IEQ 11 Localised Ventilation
IEQ 12 Ventilation in Common Areas
IEQ 13 Thermal Comfort in Air-Conditioned Premises
IEQ 14 Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Premises

NB v2.0
HWB P1 Minimum Ventilation Performance
HWB 4 Enhanced Ventilation
HWB 8 Indoor Air Quality
HWB 9 Thermal Comfort
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0723-OT
(Language: English)

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency: Integrating MiMEP and AI Safety Measures
In the CPD, the speaker will talk about the challenges in implementing Multi-trade Integrated MEP (MiMEP) in a construction project for the infra-structure project from the perspective of the E&M contractor. He will also address the need to meet the latest requirements of 4Ss and the adoption of AI smart technologies for monitoring site safety in confined spaces and fire hazard monitoring, as encouraged by the Works Bureau.

The talk will also cover how contractors can leverage AI technologies to enhance site safety by utilizing advanced sensors, video and image analytics. These technologies enable real-time monitoring and detection of safety risks in confined spaces and facilitate early warning alerts and automated emergency response procedures for fire hazard monitoring.
Ir Antonio CHAN
Deputy Managing Director
REC Engineering Co., Ltd.

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0628-OT
(Language: English)

Beyond Carbon Sequestration Innovative Applications of Biochar in Urban Settings
Biochar is an eco-product produced from pyrolyzing biomass at high temperature under an oxygen depleting condition, which can effectively slow down the rapid oxidation of organic matter to carbon dioxide. Pyrolysis provides an effective carbon removal technology by converting biomass waste including garden waste, agricultural waste residues, livestock waste, sewage sludge, etc. to biochar, which as a result can effectively sequestrate carbon. Biochar has been recommended as the most effective technology in combating against climate change globally.
Assistant Manager (Development & Technical), BEAM Society Limited

Prof Jonathan Wong
Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0923-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Environmental Assessment and Environmental Monitoring & Audit for Green Building Projects
This video training introduces how environmental assessment, environmental monitoring & audit (EM&A) are measured and assessed under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0.

NB v2.0
IDCM P2 Environmental Management Plan
IDCM 7 Measures to Reduce Site Emissions
IDCM 10 Considerate Construction
Ms. Karin Chiu
Senior Project Executive, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $75.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0826-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Noise and Vibration in Sustainable Built Environment
This video training introduces how acoustics, noise and vibration are defined and assessed under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0.

NB v2.0
SS 5 Noise Control for Building Equipment
HWB 6 Acoustics and Noise
HWB 7 Indoor Vibration
Ir Irene LEUNG
Project Assessor, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $75.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0624-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Sustainable Urban Planning and Social Impact Assessment
This video training introduces how sustainable urban planning or design and social impact are assessed under several aspects in various BEAM Plus Assessment Tools, with aid of case sharing.

NB v2.0
SS 1 Pedestrian oriented and Low Carbon Transport
SS 3 Building Design for Sustainable Urbanism
SS 12 Design for Climate Change Adaptation

ND v1.0
SA 3 Pedestrian oriented and Low Carbon Transport
SA 4 Site Design Appraisal
CA 1 Community Engagement
CA 5 Existing Community and Economy
Mr Jimmy Yam
Assistant Manager (Project Assessment), BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $75.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0924-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Applied Solar Energy in Buildings
This video training introduces how solar energy and other renewable energies being used in green buildings and the performances are assessed under several aspects in various BEAM Plus Assessment Tools.

NB v2.0 - EU 5 Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems
EB v2.0 Comprehensive Scheme - EU 5 Enhancement – (c) Renewable Energy System
EB v2.0 Selective Scheme - EU 7 Innovative Techniques / Performance Enhancement
BI v1.0 - IV 1 Innovative Techniques
ND v1.0 - EA 4 Renewable Energy
NDC v1.0 & EDC v1.0 - EU-02-01 Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems
Mr Jimmy Yam
Assistant Manager (Project Assessment), BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 $75.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0228-OT
(Language: English)

Updated Assessment Procedure – The Implementation of Compliance Assessment (CA) - English
In view of the Buildings Department (BD) latest revision of the PNAP APP-151, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has introduced an optional Compliance Assessment (CA) route to facilitate the industry in meeting the statutory requirement for their project.

CA is introduced with the aim to facilitate the industry to offer BD assurance on the projects’ green building performance at the Occupation Permit (OP) stage. It advances an optional interim assessment for projects undertaking BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NB v2.0) before the issuance of OP.

In this CPD training, the speakers will give an introduction on the implementation of the CA, relevant procedures, highlighting the key milestones and advice on the preparation of the project to ensure a smooth transition from the Provisional Assessment (PA), CA and the Final Assessment (FA).
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ms Caterina CHOI
Head of Development & Technical Secretariat, Technical Services Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0229-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Updated Assessment Procedure – The Implementation of Compliance Assessment (CA) - Cantonese
In view of the Buildings Department (BD) latest revision of the PNAP APP-151, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has introduced an optional Compliance Assessment (CA) route to facilitate the industry in meeting the statutory requirement for their project.

CA is introduced with the aim to facilitate the industry to offer BD assurance on the projects’ green building performance at the Occupation Permit (OP) stage. It advances an optional interim assessment for projects undertaking BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NB v2.0) before the issuance of OP.

In this CPD training, the speakers will give an introduction on the implementation of the CA, relevant procedures, highlighting the key milestones and advice on the preparation of the project to ensure a smooth transition from the Provisional Assessment (PA), CA and the Final Assessment (FA).
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ms Caterina CHOI
Head of Development & Technical Secretariat, Technical Services Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0108-OT
(Language: English)

Technical Seminar on Green Data Center - Trends and Technologies for Design, Installation, Monitoring and Assessment for Data Center Performance, The Success Stories and Some Common Pitfalls
Data Center Immersion Cooling System

Immersion cooling is a highly efficient cooling solution that involves submerging servers in a non-conductive fluid. This fluid absorbs the heat generated by the servers, allowing for highly efficient cooling. It does not only enables data center operators to meet the increasingly demanding heat dissipation and power requirements for IT infrastructure today, it can significantly reduce energy consumption by 45% compared with traditional air-cooling systems and improves the PUE to 1.09 or even lower.
Chris will share why Immersion Cooling is so important for a data center, how does it work and the challenges for Immersion Cooling adoption. He will also present the details of the first of this cooling system for data center in Hong Kong.
Assessment Guidelines and Best Practices for Green, Sustainable, Reliable, and Energy-Efficient BEAM Plus Data Centers

Sustainable data centers prioritise environmental responsibility, resource conservation, cost efficiency, regulatory compliance and stakeholder expectations. By adopting sustainable practices, data centers can minimise their environmental impact, optimise resource utilisation, reduce costs, enhance their reputation and foster innovation in the industry.

This presentation will provide comprehensive insights into planning, design, construction and operation of a green, sustainable, reliable and energy-efficient Data Center in accordance with BEAM Plus Data Center assessment tools, covering topics such as site selection, building design, minimisation of operational materials and waste, energy efficient equipment selection, cooling systems, renewable energy integration, water conservation, human environmental quality and operational best practices. Participants will gain knowledge about the key principles, strategies and technologies involved in creating an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient data center while ensuring reliable and high-performance operations.
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

Mr Chris Wong
Associate Director - Facility Management, Newtech Technology

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-1214-OT
(Language: English)

Understanding Carbon Audit in Hong Kong
Carbon auditing is becoming increasingly important in Hong Kong as the city works towards its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. As a professional in the field, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices in carbon auditing to help your clients or organization achieve their sustainability goals.

This 1-hour CPD session will provide you with an overview of carbon auditing in Hong Kong, including what it is, why it is important, and how it is conducted. You will also learn about the latest policies and regulations related to carbon auditing in Hong Kong, and how they impact your professional practice.

The session will cover the following topics:
• Introduction to carbon auditing and its importance
• Carbon accounting and reporting standards in Hong Kong
• Challenges and opportunities in carbon auditing in Hong Kong
• Latest policies and regulations related to carbon auditing in Hong Kong

By the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of carbon auditing in Hong Kong, and how you can apply this knowledge to help your clients or organisation achieve their sustainability goals.
Mr Icarus AU
Assistant Manager of System Development Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0119-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) Version 2.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - Cantonese Version
BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has officially launched BEAM Plus Interiors Version 2.0 (BI v2.0) on 28 November 2023.

Embracing the latest government standards and integrating the best project practices, BI v2.0 introduces significant enhancement in Adaptability, Simplification, Certainty and Human-Centricity. It aims to offer more practicable, clear and standardised criteria for evaluating the performance of green interiors, and also expanded its assessment scope to include residential spaces.
Upon the course completion, BEAM Pro will:

- Attain the professional qualification to carry out BEAM Plus Interiors v2.0 projects;
- Be familiar with the performance indicators help integrate different green features into a user-friendly assessment tool.

BEAM Pro with the credential of Interiors Version 1.0 (BI v1.0) are eligible to register for the course. The BEAM Pro will be accredited as BEAM Pro (BI v2.0) after the course completion.
Mr Tommy SZETO
Manager - Green Building of Business Environment Council Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2024-0118-OT
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Interiors (BI) Version 2.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - English Version
BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has officially launched BEAM Plus Interiors Version 2.0 (BI v2.0) on 28 November 2023.

Embracing the latest government standards and integrating the best project practices, BI v2.0 introduces significant enhancement in Adaptability, Simplification, Certainty and Human-Centricity. It aims to offer more practicable, clear and standardised criteria for evaluating the performance of green interiors, and also expanded its assessment scope to include residential spaces.
Upon the course completion, BEAM Pro will:

- Attain the professional qualification to carry out BEAM Plus Interiors v2.0 projects;
- Be familiar with the performance indicators help integrate different green features into a user-friendly assessment tool.

BEAM Pro with the credential of Interiors Version 1.0 (BI v1.0) are eligible to register for the course. The BEAM Pro will be accredited as BEAM Pro (BI v2.0) after the course completion.
Mr Tommy SZETO
Manager - Green Building of Business Environment Council Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-1110-OT
(Language: English)

Knowledge Sharing on BEAM Plus Submission of BEAM Plus New Buildings v1.1 & v1.2 and v2.0 Assessment Tools
The CPD training aims at equipping BEAM practitioners with updated technical guidelines and latest assessment requirements of the BEAM Plus assessment tools, including BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) v1.1 & v1.2 and v2.0.

Our speaker from BSL will share about the rules, regulations and common mistakes through case sharing to enable the participants to gain better understanding on how the assessment criteria are interpreted under different versions of BEAM Plus NB; and the recent enhancements in BEAM Plus assessment practices to assist industry in streamlining the overall assessment practice.

This sharing session will cover the following topics:

a) Best practices to prepare assessment submissions;
b) Common strengths and weaknesses of assessed projects;
c) Interpretation and understanding of assessment standards;
d) Tips and tricks to a quality BEAM Plus assessment submission;
e) Case studies
Mr Jimmy Yam
Assistant Manager (Project Assessment), BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0928-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Sound Insulation in Residential Buildings - Acoustic Resilient Floor Mat
Noise from normal day-to-day activities within residential unit, such as noise from television, musical instruments, playing or running, dog barking, furniture moving, chopping food, things dropping on the floor, is inevitable part of everyday life. These occasional noises, if loud enough, will transmit from one unit to another, causing nuisance to neighbouring residents in upper, lower or adjacent units.

The Environmental Protection Department also notes the issue and a review and technical feasibility study is thus commissioned which revealed that appropriate indoor elements will fundamentally help reducing sound transmission between units and hence alleviate most, if not all, of the domestic noise problems.

This seminar will briefly share with you about the study’s outcomes, the technical information in designing and applying sound insulation for better indoor sound environment in residential buildings and an associated practice note issued to address such concerns, as well as the relevant credit requirements of HWB 6 under BEAM Plus NB v2.0.
Ir Irene LEUNG
Project Assessor, BEAM Society Limited

Senior Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department

Mr Stephen CHONG
Environmental Protection
Officer of Environmental Protection Department

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0830-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Measures to Reduce Site Emission - Construction Noise Management Plan by Environmental Protection Department
Daytime construction noise is one of the most annoying noise problems in Hong Kong. The use of quieter construction methods/ equipment would be an effective approach to reduce the construction noise impacts. In order to echo with those approach during construction work, the relevant update on the credit requirements of introducing the practice of Construction Noise Impact Assessment (CNIA) and using recognised quieter construction methods/ equipment are included in the assessment of IDCM 7b under BEAM Plus NB v2.0.

To allow for level play and better budget control, early consideration of the use of quieter construction methods/ equipment before tendering is essential to ensure such methods/ equipment would be adopted, and hence a quantitative assessment in a Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP) before tendering is suggested to be conducted in the detail design stage. The CNMP should include quantitative assessment and particular specifications in construction contracts for adopting recognised quieter construction methods/ equipment. To further assist the project proponents in preparing CNMP, a new web-based platform called Web-CNMP has also been developed by EPD.

Through this seminar, you will know more about the rationale and details of this new approach, the key features of Web-CNMP and how they can improve the noise environment, as well as the relevant update on the credit requirements of IDCM 7b under BEAM Plus NB v2.0.
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

Mr Stephen CHONG
Environmental Protection
Officer of Environmental Protection Department

Mr Tommy CHENG
Environmental Protection
Officer of Environmental Protection Department

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0721-OT
(Language: English)

Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Performing Art Education Centre – Aspiring to Re-Energise a Historic Building with a Sustainable Design Approach
The new Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Performing Art Education Centre showcases an innovative sustainable heritage revitalisation project in Hong Kong that reinvigorates the historical space and transforms the existing building into a sustainable centre for theatre education. The proposed centre is a 3-storey Grade II building situated in the heart of the city and hidden by high-rise residential buildings. It has served as an educational place since the 1920s and will be continued in the 21st Century.

The revitalisation of the building is designed to respect the historical context while responding to the current climatic and ecological environment by adopting active and passive sustainable design strategies to minimise energy consumption, carbon emission and waste production throughout the building life cycle. The revitalisation project also addresses ecological conservation by preserving existing ecosystems with enhanced landscapes. It would create a green oasis for visitors and the high-rise neighbourhood around.

The proposed centre is designed to re-energise the historic building by promoting the existing value and injecting new environmental values into the building and community by establishing a model of sustainable cultural heritage. This project has received Green Building Award 2021 – Merit Award
Ar Tony Ip, MH
Director, Tony Ip Green Architects “TiP”

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0615-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro (EB v2.0) - Cantonese Version
BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has officially launched BEAM Plus Existing Schools v1.0 in October 2022. The Tool is is specifically designed for existing
primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. To embrace various sustainability issues in the school sector, a two-book system, including the Assessment Manual and the Technical Guidebook, is introduced to facilitate the users for the submission of BEAM Plus assessment and certification process. BEAM Pro with the credential of Existing Buildings Version 2.0 (EB v2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (ES v1.0) after course completion.

Upon course completion, BEAM Pro will:
Attain the professional qualification to carry out BEAM Plus Existing Schools projects;
Be familiar with the grading, credit requirements and features of BEAM Plus Existing Schools.
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

N/A 1.5 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0614-OT
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Schools Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro (EB v2.0) - English Version
BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has officially launched BEAM Plus Existing Schools v1.0 in October 2022. The Tool is is specifically designed for existing
primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. To embrace various sustainability issues in the school sector, a two-book system, including the Assessment Manual and the Technical Guidebook, is introduced to facilitate the users for the submission of BEAM Plus assessment and certification process. BEAM Pro with the credential of Existing Buildings Version 2.0 (EB v2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (ES v1.0) after course completion.

Upon course completion, BEAM Pro will:
Attain the professional qualification to carry out BEAM Plus Existing Schools projects;
Be familiar with the grading, credit requirements and features of BEAM Plus Existing Schools.
Dr Vincent HO
Assistant Manager – Green Building, Business Environment Council

N/A 1.5 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0511-OT
(Language: English)

ESG is More Than Just Environmental - Sustainability Means “Who Cares Wins" & Application of BEAM Plus Assessment Tool to Enhance ESG Value of Real Asset
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting is transforming the construction landscape as investors, stakeholders, and project leaders increasingly emphasise value-driven investment, one that concerns the benefit to our environment and communities.

The seminar, organised at Build4Asia ESG Asia Forum, under the theme of “Assimilating Building and Technology Towards a Sustainable Future”, includes 2 sharing sessions with following topics where you will meet sustainability experts to explore investor expectations and new practices to stand out in the new era of ESG reporting!
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Prof Elvis Au Wai-Kwong, BBS, JP
Certification Committee Member of the ESG Consortium,
Former Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0504-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Case Sharing on BEAM Plus Existing Buildings v2.0 Final Platinum Project – Jockey Club Environmental Building
BEAM Plus Existing Buildings ("EB") measures the actual performance of a building and evaluates its facility management practices. The assessment covers all management, operation, and maintenance aspects and may be initiated at any time during a building's operational life.

As the building owner, Business Environment Council Limited ("BEC") has implemented several resource-efficient initiatives to retrofit the building services equipment and encourage behavioural changes among users of Jockey Club Environmental Building ("JCEB"). BEC positions JCEB as a 'Green Lab' where environmental excellence is encouraged and celebrated. JCEB has always showcased green building practices and contributed to Hong Kong's carbon neutrality pledge while strengthening engagement with all building users to foster a low-carbon working environment.

In this CPD training, the speaker will share his experience achievingBEAM Plus EB v2.0 Final Platinum for JCEB and elaborate on what green measures could be implemented through a building's daily operation and maintenance. It will benefit the industry to learn from this successful BEAM Plus EB project and help drive the greening ofexisting buildings in Hong Kong.
Mr Tommy SZETO
Manager - Green Building of Business Environment Council Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0428-OT
(Language: English)

Case Sharing on Taikoo Green Ribbon and The Living Lab - Award Winning Project of Advancing Net Zero (ANZ) Ideas Competition
In support of the acceleration of net zero carbon buildings to 100% by 2050, the Living Lab and Green Ribbon design are the culmination strategies considered to prioritise various decarbonisation opportunities that are more effective for the existing building stock to pursue.

Participants will get to know the three main objectives achieve net zero carbon emission in operation, deliver healthier buildings and supply demands of energy consumption with renewable energy generation by a holistic system design with data-driven optimisation approach is introduced to strike a balance between energy usage, resources consumption and well-being. Constrains from current regulation are also addressed to facilitate the adoption and development of those low/zero carbon design and technologies.
Ir Felix CHAN
Senior Consultant, Arup

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0316-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Build the Next-generation, Simple, Smart, And Reliable "Low Carbon" Data Centre
Expanded digital services force data centres to scale up the infrastructure and complicate the architecture. Construction, deployment, O&M, and management become time-consuming and labour-intensive. Carriers are troubled by the long construction period, high energy consumption, difficult O&M, and low reliability of traditional data centre solutions.

To address traditional data centres’ challenges, we must adhere to the "modular + intelligent" design concept and reshape the architecture, cooling, O&M, and power supply to build simplified, green, intelligent, and secure next-generation data centres. Huawei's solution is widely used in green and low-carbon data centre construction, helping carriers achieve carbon neutrality goals and optimize data centre performance.

In this video training, BEAM Society Limited will introduce the framework of BEAM Plus Data Centres v1.0.
Ir Rodney Ip
Head of Technical Services of BEAM Society Limited

Mr Raymond LEUNG
Chief Technology Officer
Huawei International Co. Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0211-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Building Carbon Footprint Assessment - Credits Related to Building Carbon Footprint under BEAM Plus Tools
In this video training, the speaker will perform a walkthrough covering:
(a) Introduction on How Building Carbon Footprint is assessed under BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0

(b) Building Carbon Footprint-related Credits under:
•Integrated Design and Construction Management (IDCM) Category
NB v2.0 IDCM 16
•Materials and Waste (MW) Category
NB v2.0 MW 7 / NB v2.0 MW 9 / NB v2.0 MW 10

•Energy Use (EU) Category
NB v2.0 EU 2 / EB v2.0 EU 2e
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0222b-OT
(Language: English)

The Introduction of Compliance Assessment (CA) - English Version
In response to the latest development on Buildings Department's (BD) consultancy study on the "Review of the Mechanism for Encouraging a Quality Built Environment through GFA Concession", BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has developed relevant assessment procedures to accommodate the new GFA concession mechanism that will be put into practice in the near future.

Compliance Assessment (CA) is a newly introduced assessment stage before the application of Occupation Permit (OP). CA is the first stage of the Final Assessment (FA), which is optional. The second stage of FA, which is called Remaining FA (RFA) would take place after the issuance of OP.

Trial run of CA is launched in iBEAM system and applicants are welcome to provide feedback for refinement before the formal implementation of CA.
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Assistant Manager (Development & Technical), BEAM Society Limited

Ms Caterina CHOI
Head of Development & Technical Secretariat, Technical Services Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2023-0222a-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

The Introduction of Compliance Assessment (CA) - Cantonese Version
In response to the latest development on Buildings Department's (BD) consultancy study on the "Review of the Mechanism for Encouraging a Quality Built Environment through GFA Concession", BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has developed relevant assessment procedures to accommodate the new GFA concession mechanism that will be put into practice in the near future.

Compliance Assessment (CA) is a newly introduced assessment stage before the application of Occupation Permit (OP). CA is the first stage of the Final Assessment (FA), which is optional. The second stage of FA, which is called Remaining FA (RFA) would take place after the issuance of OP.

Trial run of CA is launched in iBEAM system and applicants are welcome to provide feedback for refinement before the formal implementation of CA.
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Assistant Manager (Development & Technical), BEAM Society Limited

Ms Caterina CHOI
Head of Development & Technical Secretariat, Technical Services Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-1201-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Leverage Technology to Achieve Data-driven Sustainable Operation
Nowadays, there is an increasing number of building owners deploying different technologies to help achieve their own targets of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) and to fulfil different standard requirements. Nonetheless, having the technology installed does not mean the job has been done already.

Have you ever thought of:
How to ensure the right solution is picked?
Is the technology really helping?
Are the operation team leveraging the technology to help?
How to evaluate performance of the solution?
And is there a way to justify the investment?

This session will focus on how to leverage technology, data from digital solutions, and change of behaviour to become a greener and wiser stakeholder.
Mr Vincent CHOW
Head of Marketing and Customer Success

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-1124-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Carbon Neutrality and Real Asset Sustainable Development
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has unveiled Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050, which outlines the goal of reaching carbon neutrality by the year 2050.

The speaker will share with the audience how exactly the real estate market could benefit in accomplishing this goal. Some clues will be discussed to showcase how the numerous stakeholders in the real asset business could contribute to the environmental, social and governance challenges, as well as the sustainable development in the many diverse elements of the real asset industry, such as construction, operation, investment and management.

This session will also illustrate how a green building certification scheme, i.e., BEAM Plus, can facilitate green building design in Hong Kong.
Dr Sr Chi Yiu Kenny SIU
Committee Member, GBA Carbon Neutrality Association

Responsible Officer, China Enterprise Securities
Co. Ltd.

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-1005-OT
(Language: English)

Action towards Net Zero – Patterning Sustainability through Digitalisation
The HKSAR Government has introduced the Smart City Blueprint with an aim of enhancing and expanding the existing city management measures and services. One of the areas emphasised in the blueprint is Smart Environment, which calls for the use of commercially available technological application to create a low carbon and more sustainable environment for the people. In this session, the speakers will showcase and discuss on the newest smart city solution and advanced data analytics platform to cope with the Smart City Blueprint and to assist building owners to decarbonise their property portfolios.

By attending the seminar, you can:

- Realise the use of high-quality data to enhance green building performances
- Identify the opportunities of ESG data analytics in the real estate financing processes
- Recognise the power of advanced data analytics in buildings and how it helps with fulfilling the SDG
- Understand the industry's latest trend in using data analytics to improve construction efficiency
- Learn about the global Smart City movement and its effect on the green industry
Dr Calvin Kam
Founder & CEO, Strategic Building Innovation (SBI) & bimSCORE

Ir Garrick Sze
Project Director - M&E, Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.

Mr Tim Lo
Head of System Development, BEAM Society Limited, BEAM Pro, AICP, MRICS, LEED AP (BD+C, ID+C, O+M, ND), SITES AP, WELL AP, EDGE Expert

Ms Margaret HO
Manager, Industry Development, Environment & Sustainability, Construction Industry Council

Sr Paul Tsui
Chief Executive Officer, Esri China (Hong Kong) Ltd.

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0915-OT
(Language: English)

Overview of ESG Reporting – Sustainable Building Designs on ESG Performance in Building Portfolios
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures of companies have become increasingly important in recent years, not only to investors but also to many stakeholders, including customers, employees, regulators, the community, etc.

Currently, the Main Board Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange require listed companies to publish their annual ESG reports. Incorporating the concept of sustainable building designs with ESG in the reports shall facilitate the strategic planning process of real estate industry practitioners.

This seminar will introduce and summarise the latest development on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's Appendix 27 - Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide, their implications on companies' ESG performances, and sustainable building designs with ESG in real estate.
Topics include:

•The ESG disclosure journey of listed companies in Hong Kong
•Structure and key reporting requirements of the ESG Reporting Guide
•The functions and benefits of ESG disclosures
•The implications of enhanced disclosure responsibilities to the board and the management
•Good practices in ESG reporting
•Next level of ESG Reporting - Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and impact reporting
•Implications of sustainable building designs to the ESG performance of building portfolio
Mr Roy Fan
Head of Sustainability, Climate Change and ESG Services, SWCS Corporate Services Group (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Ms. Karin Chiu
Senior Project Executive, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0908-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Case Sharing on BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0 Provisional Platinum Project – Urban Renewal Authority's Composite Development at Ash Street, Tai Kok Tsui
Redevelopment could be an arduous task and potential challenges may arise from demolition and construction, material delivery to the implementation of green and sustainable measures. Holistic and innovative thinking is always the key to avoid, minimise, and mitigate these issues.

The latest BEAM Plus New Buildings Version v2.0 (“NB v2.0”) proposed in the aspect of Integrated Design and Construction Management that the design team shall proceed with early consideration of sustainability issues. In this regard, the Urban Renewal Authority has adopted modular integrated construction (“MiC”) and precast construction methods for a redevelopment project to optimise the quality and time management and minimise the associated environmental nuisances aroused during the construction stage. Through the adoption of innovative ideas and considerations, this project has attained a “Provisional Platinum” rating under NB v2.0.

This seminar will showcase the best practices and highlighted features adopted in the project, and how these comply with the relevant assessment requirements as stipulated in NB v2.0.
Mr Andy Lai
Associate Director of Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0824-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Overview of BEAM Plus Data Centres with Case Sharing for Government Data Centre Complex – Provisional Gold under BEAM Plus New Data Centres Version 1.0 (Pilot Version)
BEAM Plus Data Centres is a green building rating tool tailor for certifying the sustainability performance of data centres. It assesses the design and construction of new data centres, as well as the operation and maintenance of existing data centres.

In this seminar, BEAM Society Limited will introduce the framework of BEAM Plus Data Centres v1.0. Representatives from Architectural Services Department and WSP (Asia) Limited will conduct a case sharing on the Government Data Centre Complex, which has achieved Provisional Gold rating under BEAM Plus New Data Centres v1.0 (Pilot Version).

Representatives from Electrical and Mechanical Services Department would also share the new editions of Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation and Code of Practice for Building Energy Audit with their applicable requirements for data centre, as well as the Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings to encourage adoption of energy efficient building services installations in data centre.
Ir Chris LO
Engineer (Energy Efficiency), Electrical & Mechanical Services Department

General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ir Francis MOK
Engineer (Energy Efficiency), Electrical & Mechanical Services Department

Ir Kenneth LI
Executive Director, WSP (Asia) Limited

Ir Steve YIU
Senior Building Services Engineer, Architectural Services

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0722-OT
(Language: English)

How to Give Your Tree a Second Life - Yard Waste Recycling Centre (Y·PARK)
New building projects always require site clearance involving trees felling to make way for building construction work. Routine vegetation maintenance of greenery areas during the service life of new buildings also regularly generates a lot of green waste. Most of these wastes end up in landfills, impacting our environment. Have you ever imagined that there are alternative ways of handling tree wastes that are actually beneficial to the environment?

With the availability of the government yard waste recycling centre - Y·PARK, to provide yard waste recycling services since mid-2021, yard waste can now be a valuable resource. Instead of throwing your yard waste into landfills, you may engage the services of Y· PARK to turn them into building materials for making furniture, rustic decorations, art pieces, etc., to enhance the healthy maintenance of the landscaping and gardening areas of the new building and benefit users of your new building.

Through this seminar, you will know how Y· PARK can help you to achieve all these and understand the relevant assessment requirements of BEAM Society Limited.
Dr Chun-kit, Keith Lai
Senior Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department

Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2022-0224-OT
(Language: English)

Delivering BEAM Plus Bespoke Assessments for Terminal Buildings of the Three-Runway System (3RS) at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) – Opportunities and Challenges
BEAM Plus Bespoke aims to enable projects of special building types to apply for BEAM Plus and thus allow appropriate grading of the building to be awarded.

In addition to land formation, construction of the Third Runway, taxiways and aprons, a new Terminal 2 Concourse (T2C) will be constructed as part of the 3RS project at HKIA. The existing Terminal 2 (T2) will also be expanded and connected to the T2C via provision of a new automated people mover system and a high-speed baggage handling system.

Given the special functional, security and operational needs of the terminal buildings in an airport environment, it was recognised early that certain BEAM Plus NB V1.2 credits cannot be directly applied in a ‘typical’ or straightforward sense. The BEAM Plus bespoke route was adopted in both the T2 Expansion (T2E) and T2C projects to develop project-specific bespoke criteria. Both projects have now completed the BEAM Plus provisional assessment and achieved the Platinum rating.

This webinar will provide an introduction of the BEAM Plus Bespoke process and will share the experience gained from managing the bespoke process for both the T2E and T2C projects of the 3RS.
Mr Eden NGAN
Senior Manager, Environment, Airport Authority Hong Kong, BSc (First Class Hons), BEng (First Class Hons), MSc

Mr Wing HO
Technical Director, AECOM Hong Kong, BSc (Eng)

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1209-OT
(Language: English)

Case Sharing on Platinum Project of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 - Towngas Headquarters in North Point
Towngas Headquarters is the first non-residential building in Hong Kong to achieve the highest level of recognition under the BEAM Plus Final Assessment for Existing Buildings in 2015. Since then, Towngas Headquarters continues its pursuit of sustainability excellence and is recently awarded the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 – Comprehensive Scheme (“BEAM Plus EB V2.0”) Final Platinum.

This CPD training showcases how Towngas Headquarters has been adopting various green initiatives and measures to integrate sustainability in its daily maintenance and operation. It also focuses on how property management and facility professionals could carry out a comprehensive “green body check” at an existing building using BEAM Plus EB V2.0. As the same BEAM Pro in charge of the green building certification for Towngas Headquarters using EB V1.2 and EB V2.0 respectively, one of the speakers in the environmental consulting field will share the challenges and opportunities of achieving the highest level of certification using the latest green building rating tool.
Ir Nelson LO
BEng, MSc, Assistant General Manager – Property & Projects Management, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

Ms Grace KWOK
BEng, Chairman & Executive Director, Allied Sustainability and Environmental Consultants Group Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1005-OT
(Language: English)

Unleashing Environmental Resiliency and Social Innovation in Existing Buildings
The workshop will discuss the standards, policies and incentives necessary to assist existing buildings in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area to achieve decarbonisation, environmental resiliency and social innovation.

•Understand the current socio-economic conditions of existing buildings
•Discover the possible standards, policies and incentives to assist the environmental and well-being of existing buildings
•Learn about what the improvement of existing buildings means for ESG, green finance and SDG
Ir Colin Chung
Chairperson of Technical Review Committee, BEAM Society Ltd

Ir Dr Raymond Chan Ka Lung
Chairperson of Marketing Committee, BEAM Society Limited

Ir Walter Au
Director, Lik Kai Engineering Co, Ltd.

Ms Joy Song
Vice General Manager, CECEP Environmental Consulting Group

Ms Karen Lee
Project Manager (II) Spatial, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation

Sr Edmond Yew
Senior Vice President, Lai Fung Holdings Ltd.

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1022-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Office Buildings in the Context of Health and Wellbeing in the Post Pandemic Era
Over the past decade, the notions in building and workplace design have been extended from built environment to the context of embracing people-oriented elements. Health and wellbeing are the imperatives contributing to people-centric office buildings. In typical workplaces, people stay in indoor throughout the daytime, from doing routine office tasks and meetings, to idea creating and communication activities. Nowadays, long working hours, rapid pace in work culture and highly convenient communications in Hong Kong, together with the unexpected pandemic, have led to higher risk to the health and wellbeing of employees.
During the pandemic period, there are massive disruptions in the building and workplace operation, highlighting the change of building and business operation models. Hence, the pandemic is considered as the catalyst for developers and designers to rethink how a building is designed for building users. In the seminar, project examples 18 King Wah Road and Harbour East will be presented to illustrate the strategies and innovations that cope with the building users’ health and wellbeing, and how the context is embedded in the building design and property development.
Ir Edward Chan
MEcon, MSc, BEng (Hons)
Assistant General Manager
Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1130-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - Cantonese Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) has officially launched BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres v1.0 in September 2021.

The Tool is tailored for data centres with high power and cooling system consumption. BSL cordially invite BEAM Pro to participate in this Upgrade Training Course which enables you to gain the knowledge of BEAM Plus Data Centres, including framework, benefits and credit requirements of the tool.

BEAM Pro (EBv2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (EDC v1.0) after course completion.
Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1129-OT
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - English Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) has officially launched BEAM Plus Existing Data Centres v1.0 in September 2021.

The Tool is tailored for data centres with high power and cooling system consumption. BSL cordially invite BEAM Pro to participate in this Upgrade Training Course which enables you to gain the knowledge of BEAM Plus Data Centres, including framework, benefits and credit requirements of the tool.

BEAM Pro (EBv2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (EDC v1.0) after course completion.
Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1126-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

BEAM Plus New Data Centres Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - Cantonese Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) has officially launched BEAM Plus New Data Centres v1.0 in September 2021.

The Tool is tailored for data centres with high power and cooling system consumption. BSL cordially invite BEAM Pro to participate in this Upgrade Training Course which enables you to gain the knowledge of BEAM Plus Data Centres, including framework, benefits and credit requirements of the tool.

BEAM Pro (NBv2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (NDC v1.0) after course completion.
Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-1125-OT
(Language: English)

BEAM Plus New Data Centres Version 1.0 Upgrade Training Course for BEAM Pro - English Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) has officially launched BEAM Plus New Data Centres v1.0 in September 2021.

The Tool is tailored for data centres with high power and cooling system consumption. BSL cordially invite BEAM Pro to participate in this Upgrade Training Course which enables you to gain the knowledge of BEAM Plus Data Centres, including framework, benefits and credit requirements of the tool.

BEAM Pro (NBv2.0) will be accredited as BEAM Pro (NDC v1.0) after course completion.
Director - Operations, Business Environment Council Limited
Expert Panel Chair of IEQ, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $125.00 $125.00 $250.00 $125.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0817-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Introduction of Food Waste Grinders into BEAM Plus New Buildings Assessment
At present, most of Hong Kong’s food waste is disposed of at landfills together with other municipal solid waste (MSW). In 2019, there some 11,057 tonnes of MSW were disposed of at landfills each day. Of these, about 3,350 tonnes (30%) were food waste, constituting the largest MSW category being landfilled.

Reducing food waste disposal at landfills is an important part of the Government’s vision to achieve “Waste Reduction • Resources Circulation • Zero Landfill” as set out in the Waste Blueprint for Hong Kong 2035.

In view of this, the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) and BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) co-organise this webinar with an aim to sharing with stakeholders experiences from local suppliers of food waste grinders and an organisation running related projects funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund on using food waste grinder as an option for treating household food waste.

The representative from BSL will also talk about the recognition of the environmental merit under BEAM Plus.
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

Representatives from ECF Projects running organisation
1) Mr. Victor Chow, Project Officer, Green Projects

2) Ms. Ming Tam, Project Officer, Green Projects

Representatives from Local Suppliers
1) Mr. Philip Chan, Managing Director, Alliance Ascent Holding Limited

2) Mr. Franco Lee, Project Manager, Shun Hing Electric Works and Engineering Co., Ltd.

3) Mr. Vitus Chiew, Key Account & Business Development Manager, Franke Asia Sourcing Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0730-OT
(Language: English)

Knowledge Sharing on BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NBv2.0) Assessment Tools
The 2-year grace period for new registration of BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 1.2 (NBv1.2) has come to an end on 31 August 2021. Thereafter, only BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0 (NBv2.0) is accepted for registration. To facilitate the smooth transition from NBv1.2 to NBv2.0, the speakers will share with BEAM practitioners:
a) The framework of NBv2.0
b) The key differentiation between NBv1.2 & NBv2.0, in particular the project submission tips worth to know e.g. credits in disparity.
c) New credit requirements under NBv2.0
Ir Emily Wong
Manager (Project Assessment) of BEAM Society Limited

Mr Jimmy Yam
Assistant Manager (Project Assessment), BEAM Society Limited

N/A 2.5 $0.00 $0.00 $62.50 $375.00 $250.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0416-OT
(Language: English)

Technical Seminar on Latest Indoor Air Quality Requirements and Air Purification Technologies in Hong Kong
Good indoor air quality (‘IAQ’) is very essential for a green building especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is one of the possible infection pathways and would be highly contagious indoor especially in buildings with inadequate or inappropriate ventilation systems. To minimize the impact of this pandemic, it is necessary to continue in monitoring the IAQ and researching effective air purification technologies. The HKEPD IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Place (‘IAQ Certification Scheme’) with new objectives and parameter is launched in 2019 and BEAM Plus also places emphasis on requirements on IAQ during building assessments.

Plascide technology is one of the effective air purification technologies which able to kill the germs and remove air pollutants within a second. This seminar aims to share the latest IAQ requirements, development and application of air purification technologies in Hong Kong.

Dr Veronica Chan, a microbiologist and an IAQ professional, will highlight the latest requirements in IAQ Certification Scheme and BEAM Plus and share the best practices for managing the IAQ and mould growth. Ir Prof Herman Tsui, a nuclear engineer and an inventor, will share how he compacts the nuclear power to a patented and awarded Plascide technology for air and surface sanitization.
N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 $200.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0528-OT
(Language: English)

Holistic Approach in Reducing Embodied Carbon with the CIC Carbon Assessment Tool (“The CAT”) for BEAM Plus NBv2.0 Assessment and iBEAM Submission
The built environment accounts for 70% of Hong Kong’s carbon emissions and the HKSAR Government has committed to reducing its absolute carbon emission by between 26% and 36% by 2030. The industry needs to play its part. The Construction Industry Council (“The CIC”) has developed the CIC Carbon Assessment Tool (“The CAT”) in 2019 which aims to create a common platform to evaluate the carbon performance of buildings and infrastructure in Hong Kong from raw material extraction to the end of construction.

The CAT facilitates the construction industry to improve the sustainability performance and contribute to the carbon reduction goal in Hong Kong. The CAT will be integrated into BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0 and the training can assist practitioners to understand the credit requirements, iBEAM submission details and provide basic training on embodied carbon assessment via the CAT.
Mr Desmond Lee
Senior Engineer, Cundall Hong Kong Limited
BEng (Hons), MSc, MIEAust CPEng NER, WELL AP, BEAM Pro

Mr Jonathan Yau
Associate Director, Cundall Hong Kong Limited

Ms Grace Lam
Manager - Environment and Sustainability, the Construction Industry Council

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0625-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

BEYOND GREEN WITH iBEAM – Guidance on the Usage of BEAM Plus Automation Assessment System – Cantonese Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) announced the launch of iBEAM – the first-ever locally developed integrated green building cloud data platform in Hong Kong. iBEAM is capable of analysing 450,000 entries of project data related to built environment and sustainable development every year, which would turn into a data warehouse for the prediction of green building development trends and making visionary suggestions for implementing sustainable development in the industry. iBEAM also enables paperless assessment workflow through uploading all building data to a single cloud platform, which enhances transparency, security and integrity of the assessment process while reducing carbon emission, contributing to a greener built environment in Hong Kong.

In this video training, the speaker will introduce the essential function on iBEAM, viz. registration, account management, contract and finance, credit interpretation request (CIR), project submission and enquiry. The speaker will also outline the process in conducting a BEAM Plus assessment on iBEAM.
Representative from System Development Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0624-OT
(Language: English)

BEYOND GREEN WITH iBEAM – Guidance on the Usage of BEAM Plus Automation Assessment System – English Version
BEAM Society Limited (“BSL”) announced the launch of iBEAM – the first-ever locally developed integrated green building cloud data platform in Hong Kong. iBEAM is capable of analysing 450,000 entries of project data related to built environment and sustainable development every year, which would turn into a data warehouse for the prediction of green building development trends and making visionary suggestions for implementing sustainable development in the industry. iBEAM also enables paperless assessment workflow through uploading all building data to a single cloud platform, which enhances transparency, security and integrity of the assessment process while reducing carbon emission, contributing to a greener built environment in Hong Kong.

In this video training, the speaker will introduce the essential function on iBEAM, viz. registration, account management, contract and finance, credit interpretation request (CIR), project submission and enquiry. The speaker will also outline the process in conducting a BEAM Plus assessment on iBEAM.
Representative from System Development Department, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 0.5 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N/A N/A Register
ONLINE M-2021-0309-OT
(Language: English)

How Accreditation of Certification Bodies Provides Enhanced Confidence? Product Certification on Construction Materials and Requirements on the Materials and Waste Aspects under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 2.0
Building safety is of paramount importance, and quality of construction materials forms a vital part of it. Construction materials product certification helps assure quality of construction materials through third-party assessment. It enables upstream quality control from the start of the supply chain, facilitates better product traceability, and enhances production consistency.

Under Materials and Waste Aspects of BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) v2.0, credits would be given for the use of building materials certified to a specified product certification scheme by a certification body with accreditation of Hong Kong Accreditation Service. The presentation will provide an overview of product certification on construction materials including its benefits and components, and brief BEAM Practitioners on how to identify the accredited endorsed report/certificate and obtain relevant information on accreditation of product certification. The Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson from BEAM Society Limited will also introduce the materials requirements under BEAM Plus NB v2.0, which have encompassed certified construction materials.

Under Materials Aspects of BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) v2.0, credits would be given for the use of building materials certified to a specified product certification scheme by a certification body with accreditation of Hong Kong Accreditation Service. The presentation will provide an overview of product certification on construction materials including its benefits and components, and brief BEAM Practitioners on how to identify the accredited endorsed report/certificate and obtain relevant information on accreditation of product certification. The Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson from BEAM Society Limited will also introduce the materials requirements under BEAM Plus NB v2.0, which have encompassed certified construction materials.
Ar Yvonne Ieong
Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson of BSL
Director of Y.I. & Associates Ltd.

Ir Dr Fiona CHAN
Senior Accreditation Officer of Hong Kong Accreditation Service
BSc (Hons), MPhil, PhD, MHKIE, MHKCI

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-1203-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Case Sharing on Platinum Projects of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 - Greening a Portfolio of Existing Buildings in Central
Globally, the buildings and buildings construction sectors account for 36% of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total CO2 emissions, while in Hong Kong, buildings and their related activities contribute to 90% of electricity use and 60% of carbon emissions. Greening the existing buildings will not only help save energy in the city, but also contribute to health and wellbeing enhancement for building occupants.
This CPD training aims to illustrate how property management and facility professionals could make use of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 (“BEAM Plus EB V2.0”) to carry out a “green body check” for the buildings they operate and manage with an aim to improve the buildings’ environmental performance through various aspects such as energy use, water use, indoor environmental quality, and so on. The speakers will also share their experiences in achieving BEAM Plus EB V2.0 Final Platinum for a portfolio of existing buildings under the same management in Central, the core business district in Hong Kong. Through showcasing these Platinum-rated existing buildings as case studies, the speakers will elaborate on what green measures could be implemented through a building’s daily operation and maintenance.
This case sharing on BEAM Plus EB Platinum Projects includes Hongkong Land’s Central Portfolio, which consists of Exchange Square Complex, Jardine House, Chater House, Alexandra House, Prince’s Building, Landmark Complex (including Gloucester Tower, Edinburgh Tower, York House and Landmark Atrium). It will be beneficial for the industry to learn from those successful BEAM Plus EB projects and help drive the greening of existing buildings in Hong Kong.
Director and Head of Technical Services & Sustainability, Hongkong Land Limited

Ms Grace KWOK
Chairman and Executive Director, Allied Environmental Consultants Limited

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 $200.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-1103-OT
(Language: English)

BEYOND2020 World Sustainable Built Environment Online Conference - Accelerating The Sustainability Transformation of Existing Buildings in Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, there are 42,000 private buildings and with 28,000 of them having an age of 30+ years or above. To accelerate the sustainability transformation of Hong Kong, it is important that there are appropriate management policies, certification schemes and incentives in place to upkeep the condition of aged existing buildings in Hong Kong and to allow the occupants to live healthy and well in these buildings. In this panel session, the panellists will share their practical experience, drivers and knowledge in implementing appropriate measures to accelerate the sustainability transformation of existing buildings. The panellists will also share their experience in applying the Hong Kong’s BEAM Plus Assessment Tool in scaling up their sustainability transformation of existing buildings and facilitating the disclosure of sustainability performances to their stakeholders.
Dr. Calvin Lee Kwan
General Manager, Corporate Development and Strategy, Link Asset Management Limited

Ir Dr Cary CHAN, JP
Executive Director, Hong Kong Green Building Council

Ir HO Chi-shing
General Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Director and Head of Technical Services & Sustainability, Hongkong Land Limited

Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai, SBS
Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council

Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ms LEE Siu-wing Ivy
Chairperson, BEAM Society Limited

Ms Tracy Wong HARRIS
Deputy Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association

Prof. LING Kar-kan, SBS
Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Housing Society, Director of Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $100.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0827-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Holistic Approach in Reducing Embodied Carbon with BEAM Plus and the Carbon Assessment Tool (“The CAT”)
(co-organised by the Construction Industry Council (The CIC) & BEAM Society Limited, in association with Cundall Hong Kong Limited) The built environment accounts for 70% of Hong Kong’s carbon emissions and the HKSAR Government has committed to reducing its absolute carbon emission by between 26% and 36% by 2030. The industry needs to play its part. The Construction Industry Council (The CIC) has developed the Carbon Assessment Tool (“The CAT”) in 2019 which aims to create a common platform to evaluate the carbon performance of buildings and infrastructure in Hong Kong from raw material extraction to the end of construction. The CAT facilitates the construction industry to improve the sustainability performance and contribute to the carbon reduction goal in Hong Kong. The CAT will be integrated into BEAM Plus New Buildings v1.2 effective from January 2021, and the training can assist practitioners to understand the new credit requirements and provide basic training on embodied carbon assessment via the CAT.
Mr Jonathan Yau
Associate Director, Cundall Hong Kong Limited

Mr Rex Chan
Assistant Manager - Environment and Sustainability, the Construction Industry Council

Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ms Grace Lam
Manager - Environment and Sustainability, the Construction Industry Council

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0611-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Applying Health and Well-being Measures in Building Portfolios in Times of COVID-19
In this webinar, the speakers will look at the issue of health and well-being in times of COVID-19 from a developer perspective. Speaker from a local developer will share with the audience on the different management practices, information disclosure and resilience measures that have been introduced to ensure that the building portfolios are healthy and well for its occupants. Best practices in green management as well as the use of BEAM Plus to enable healthier management of building portfolio will also be shared by the speakers in this webinar.
Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

Ms Gladys So
Sustainability Manager, K11 Concepts Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0904-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Case Sharing on BEAM Plus New Buildings v1.2 Final Platinum Project - One Taikoo Place
One Taikoo Place (OTP) is a new and prestigious office development project of Swire Properties Ltd. Its redeveloped Somerset House at Taikoo Place in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong and start operation in the end of year 2018. The project has been constructed according to the highest standards of building sustainability, and achieved BEAM Plus Final Platinum, LEED certification Platinum and WELL certification Platinum. OTP was developed a best in class, green and sustainable building from demolition, design, construction to operation. It becomes a leader of high-performance sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. OTP also embraces modern integrated design. This positions sustainability at the heart of design and brings the design team together from the earliest project stage to jointly develop solutions. This fosters innovation and the application of new sustainable technologies and processes. With the desire of Swire Vision "Create Transformation", OTP was also transformed as new digital hub that seamlessly connects spaces, services, and people by leveraging advanced digital innovation technologies.
Ir Raymond Kwok
Project Manager, Swire Properties Limited

Ir Terence Cheung
Technical Director, J. Roger Preston Limited

Ms Christy Chow
Engineer, Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0818-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

A Truly Green Campus – Case Sharing of BEAM Plus New Buildings v1.2 Project “The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex | The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus"
Built on a historically important site at Mount Davis, the University of Chicago Hong Kong campus has welcomed students, researchers, scholar, community partners, and visitors, since its opening in November 2018. In addition to the Executive MBA program offered by Chicago Booth, the University hosts a variety of academic and community programs while the Hong Kong Jockey Club Program on Social Innovation conducts regular activities. Adaptive reuse and smart building technology were carefully considered in the overall design approach to the campus for both new construction and the repurposing of heritage structures. This project has successfully fulfilled the University’s commitment to sustainability and their desire to create a sustainable learning environment with features including a high-performance façade, higher efficiency air conditioning system with heat recovery, reduced lighting power density, daylight responsive controls, eco-friendly design, good indoor environment quality, resource saving fixtures. This training session discusses the project’s environmental design process, and also the technical challenges and difficulties related to BEAM Plus New Buildings (NB) v1.2 assessment tools.
Ms HK Lam
Former Senior Architect, Revery Architecture
M. Arch., HKIA, BEAM Pro

Ms Viki Du
Engineer, Ove Arup & Partners HK Ltd

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0617-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Sharing Session on the Assessment Criteria of Timber Related Products under BEAM Plus Assessment Tools
Timber and the Hong Kong construction industry have always had inseverable ties: from the early days when locals used wood for building squatters, to the current day and age where timber is used extensively in skyscrapers, infrastructure and interior decoration. The purpose of this sharing session has two-folds: to explain the existing as well as new timber-related requirements set out under the latest BEAM Plus Assessment Tools; and to give some insights on the current trends in timber usage in Hong Kong and abroad. Participants will be able to gain better understanding on how timber-related criteria are assessed under different BEAM Plus Assessment Tools, including NBv2.0, NBv1.2 & NBv1.1 and BIv1.0, with any common misconceptions demystified.
Ar Yvonne Ieong
Materials and Waste Aspects Panel Chairperson of BSL
Director of Y.I. & Associates Ltd.

Mr Joe NG
Chairman of Hong Kong & Kowloon Timber Merchants Association Limited (“HKTMA”), Founder and Chairman of Kam Yuen Building Supplies Group Limited

N/A 2 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $300.00 $200.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0528-OT
(Language: English)

Guidance on the Usage of Updated Submission Template – English Version
In June 2020, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has rolled out the updated submission template (previously dubbed as e-form) to enhance the standardisation and experience of the BEAM Plus assessment. In order to provide our BEAM Practitioners with more understanding of the updated submission template, BSL has recorded a video training with a step-by-step guidance to assist the BEAM Practitioners in filling the updated submission template. Upon attending this video training, BEAM Practitioners will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to prepare BEAM Plus assessment submissions using the updated submission template.
Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0527-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Guidance on the Usage of Updated Submission Template – Cantonese Version
In June 2020, BEAM Society Limited (BSL) has rolled out the updated submission template (previously dubbed as e-form) to enhance the standardisation and experience of the BEAM Plus assessment. In order to provide our BEAM Practitioners with more understanding of the updated submission template, BSL has recorded a video training with a step-by-step guidance to assist the BEAM Practitioners in filling the updated submission template. Upon attending this video training, BEAM Practitioners will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to prepare BEAM Plus assessment submissions using the updated submission template.
Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $150.00 $100.00 N/A Register
ONLINE M-2020-0522-OT
(Language: Cantonese)

Creating a Healthy Built Environment in Times of COVID-19
In this webinar, the speakers will explore the different health and well-being challenges emerging in times of COVID-19 and how COVID-19 will shape the occupant's behaviours and their perceptions to the built environment.

By identifying these challenges, the speakers will then communicate with the audiences on the different design strategies and functions, such as biophilia, technology, building services and occupant feedback programmes that could enhance the health and well-being experience of building occupants in times of COVID-19.

The speakers will also address on the usage of BEAM Plus Assessment Tools to assess and enhance the health and well-being features of buildings.
Dr Calvin Luk
PhD, MChinMed, BChinMed, HKRCMP, PgDipConstProjMgt, BArch(Hons), BSc(Arch), Registered Architect (Australia), Project Manager, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (PolyU)

Mr Tim Lo
Assistant Manager, BEAM Society Limited

N/A 1.5 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 $225.00 $150.00 N/A Register

* The CPD trainings are updated periodically without further notice.